This online meetup, led by Gitte Klitgaard and Michael Laussegger today, marked the first public introduction of their Homeland Framework.
They emphasized the importance of cultivating psychological safety and personal growth in professional settings, noting that psychological safety—the belief that one won’t face punishment for speaking openly—is essential for fostering trust and innovation.
With the Homeland Framework, they stress individual responsibility in establishing this safety, suggesting that each person’s self-perception shapes their reality and interactions.
Key concepts include:
Self-Perception and Reality: Exploring how self-beliefs influence outcomes, often leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. Referencing Eric Berne’s principle “I am okay, you are okay,” they conclude that this stance is essential for a healthy mindset.
The Inner Director: An analogy to Schulz von Thun’s Inner Team, highlighting the bias of the “inner director” and its influence on self-perception.
The Homeland Framework: This framework introduces three mindsets—Homeland (healthy self-perception with “I am okay, you are okay”), Utopia (feeling superior), and Shadowland (feeling victimized). Participants are encouraged to align with the Homeland perspective, recognizing both strengths and areas for growth.
Coaching Canvas: Alongside the framework, they introduced a coaching canvas, suited for both professional coaching and self-coaching, which aids in transforming negative self-beliefs into a Homeland stance.
The session concluded with the main takeaway that psychological safety is a journey of growth, self-awareness, and empathy, all crucial for creating sustainable professional environments.